When they holidays are on their way, it’s time to play! Or maybe you want to run and hide. Having debt when the holidays come around can be tough. You want to show the people you love just how much you care but you also have to take care of your own needs.

That’s why we, at MyZeroDebt.net, have provided you with some tips to help you get your finances organized. Now, you can have a little more wiggle room to move around for the holiday season. Take a look at the tips below to help get you through the holidays with some cash in your pocket and a song in your heart.

Avoiding Holiday Credit Debt

The biggest thing to remember for the holidays is to stay organized this year. You need to have a solid plan before buying your holiday gifts.

  • Secret Santa / White Elephant – These are great ways to save for the holidays. If you can get your friends and family to agree to a Secret Santa or White Elephant gift exchange, then you could save a lot of money. All you need to do is talk with them, decide a limit, and buy a gift.
  • A good thing about using your credit card all the time is gaining those sweet points. Usually, the credit card companies give you extra points for shopping on the holidays. Take advantage by using that money to buy even more gifts.
  • Shop early! If you space out your gifts this year you can easily afford gifts. It may seem daunting to drop a couple hundred dollars at once, but buying a shirt here and a gift card there will seem like nothing, especially if you start a few months in advance and buy one gift per paycheck.
  • Set a limit for both decorations and gifts. This will make it cut and dry how much you’ll be spending for the holidays so you can work it into your budget. This will also put you in the mindset to be a savvier shopper.

You don’t have to break the bank for the holidays if you’re already stressing about debt. Take some of these tips with you to the stores and go get those deals!


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